Through the ages…

By August 12, 2015Blog

No, this is not a picture of a younger Queen Elizabeth II…rather a photo I found in The New York Times Magazine, which fairly accurately depicts my emotional spectrum. On the one hand I am undeniably growing older, I just celebrated another birthday and am now used to putting a 5 in front of my age. On the other hand, I am still trying to figure out what adults expect of me. Honestly, in my head I am not a day over 25.

What is curious though, throughout the years, my taste in furniture has not changed. I still live with pieces I acquired when I was in my early twenties. Some of them have been updated numerous times with new fabrics or a new coat of paint. I simply still love their proportion, their style and look.

I made this approach part of my design philosophy, I always ask clients if they feel attached to particular pieces. Often enough they can easily be integrated into a newly renovated space. After all, I suppose that is what I have been doing on a personal level: fine-tuning my style/look through the ages to adjust to a new phase in life.

xo Martina